
欢迎来到 Subtle Nice。

我叫做傅家豪,自出生以来一直生活在上海(奉贤)。出于对设计的热情和热爱,从同济土木毕业后,我就一直在做 UI/UX 设计的工作。又一位自学成才的设计师。

Subtle Nice 是我的个人网站,上面有我的感悟,评述和作品。至于 Subtle Nice 名称的由来,可以去这里看看。

Have fun.

Welcome to Subtle Nice.

My name is Fu Jiahao. I was born and raised in Shanghai, more exactly, FengXian District. I’m working as a UI/UX designer after my graduation from Civil Engineering of Tongji University. Another self-taught designer.

Subtle Nice is where I post my thoughts, reviews, and works. To find out why I call this place Subtle Nice, you might visit this post.

Have fun.